2025 is the 6th Season of The Boomer Woman’s Podcast. Each episode is a conversation between me – I’m Agnes Knowles, your host – and a guest who talks to a subject that, someway, somehow, is relatable to Boomer Women. The guests can be any age, any gender, as long as their message is positive, informative, pertinent to our demographic. You, dear listener, might need to be open-minded, curious, tolerant, inclusive… and if you are, you will enjoy these conversations, maybe learn something, and I encourage you to share each and any episode! Click the Follow/Subscribe button to be notified of the next great guest.

Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Carrie Pierce on Writing Children’s Stories
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
“If you’re not okay at this moment in time, then it’s not the end.” Great philosophy from Carrie pierce as we meandered our way through this age to writing children’s literature.
Carrie’s children’s books may surprise you, but she explains her why and it all makes so much sense. She talks about leaving some of the magic to the reader, whether the reader is a child of ten or a grandparent from an older generation.
Magic is a theme for Carrie – not the abracadabra type, but more the wonder and the whimsy in a child’s mind.
Her description of her method is well worth noting if you have any thoughts of creating stories for children… whether only for your grandchildren or for every eight-year-old in the country.
And then… how to write a book for children!!!
Perhaps it’s family history for family eyes only… and then, in the telling, you realize it may have commercial interest.
Finally, some tips on publishing, and marketing. With a thoughtful finish.
Find Carrie at https://morganpiercemediapublishing.com/
Find more at https://boomwithabang.com/carrie-pierce-on-writing-stories-for-children/

Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Alexa Nazzaro on Writing and Publishing Your Book
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Serendipity brought Alexa Nazarro from her copywriting career to her business of Author Services – editing, publishing and marketing our writing.
How do you write a good book? Alexa gives us some great tips!
Is an editor a good idea? There are several types of editors, I didn’t know that!
Interested in writing fiction? Beware the “information dump”!
How about an agent? Indie vs traditional publishing is part of the answer and Alexa gives us great insights into the two different types of publishers. And then there’s self-publishing… and hybrid publishing…
Alexa explains “Vanity Press” and how an author might get scammed. Also, contracts, we’re authors, not lawyers.
So much great advice and so many insights into the world of writing , publishing and marketing your book.
Find Alexa at https://aaxelauthorservices.com/
Find out more about Alexa at https://boomwithabang.com/alexa-nazzaro-on-writing-and-publishing-your-book/

Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Jamie Bowman - International Lawyer and Storyteller
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
As an American female lawyer in faraway lands, Jamie Bowman has had her share of adventures… and close calls. In this episode she shares some of those adventures – just enough to leave you wanting more. Oh! You can do that by buying her book “Bike Riding in Kabul”!
Jamie’s life hasn’t all been work, though - she tells us about her expedition to El Camino De Santiago in Spain… a spiritual journey, no matter who you are or what your beliefs and about walking the Coast to Coast in England.
And if you ever wondered how to have a relationship with another international worker… Jamie describes it as “ping-ponging”.
Back to the book… while Jamie recounts her stories, each story will leave you with a lesson learned…
Oh, and yes, we blow the female horn!
Connect with Jamie on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamie-bowman-8393724a/
Find more information at: https://boomwithabang.com/jamie-bowman-international-lawyer-and-storyteller/

Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thecia Ellis is The Homesteading Grandma
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Zoom is a little staticky and a bit glitchy for the first bit today – hopefully the fun makes up for it!
Thecia Ellis is no stranger to hard work. Homesteading was still a bit of a challenge and a large learning curve but has become her most enjoyed time of life. You’ll learn more than a few things during this conversation, and you might cringe a wee bit – it’s life on a working farm! – but you’ll appreciate the healing aspects of life on the land.
Hot bees… hurricanes… tick-caused allergies… accidents… it’s not for the faint-hearted but Thecia certainly continues to see the bright side.
And then you’ll learn about ‘prepping’ and copy-canning.
If homesteading wasn’t enough, Thecia also has quite an online presence… for a reason. Farm lessons. Life lessons. I so enjoyed my conversation with Thecia. She is an inspiration!
Learn more about Thecia at https://www.grandmashomestead.farm/
Get more links and learn more at https://boomwithabang.com/thecia-ellis-homesteader/

Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Shannon Russell on Second Act Careers
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Shannon Russell made that all-too-familiar choice to leave a job she loved to be more present for her young children. So… she changed it up from being a television producer to producing her own life.
Are you happy right now? Age doesn’t really matter if you’ve made the decision to recreate your life in a different direction.
There are so many choices nowadays and Shannon has so many tips on recognizing what we might like, what might be a fit for us, and how to assess our enthusiasm/potential.
Have you heard of Snapology? Sounds pretty cool, and Shannon talks about it, and the possibility of a franchise.
So many great ideas to think about as we plan what is next!
Find Shannon at https://secondactsuccess.co/
Learn more about Shannon and get all the links mentioned at: https://boomwithabang.com/shannon-russell-on-your-second-act-career/

Thursday May 25, 2023
Kristin Mallon on Feminine Longevity and Breast Health
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
Kristin Mallon is a feminine longevity expert. Sick care is so necessary but well care should be too. And women need well care into the elder years… beyond the reproductive years.
Our last decade is called the Marginal Decade and there is no reason we shouldn’t have health and wellness through it, or most of it (and hopefully our age will be triple digits!).
Today Kristin Mallon focuses on breast health. Monthly self-examination is so important, and we are learning so much more about the genes that affect our breast health. Remember the earlier breast cancer is detected the better the outcomes.
Kristin also emphasizes the importance of hormones in our lives, our bodies and our aging. And Exercise… and Sleep – quality sleep. Her reference to health banks is a great one.
Kristin can be found at https://www.femgevityhealth.com/
More information about Kristin can be found at https://boomwithabang.com/kristin-mallon-on-breast-health-and-feminine-longevity/

Thursday May 18, 2023
Melinda Satterlee - Financial Planner and Investment Advisor
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
“Women don’t need more products to buy, they want to learn about managing their finances, from opening the right kind of accounts to learning how to invest their money.”
Melinda Satterlee compares connecting with new clients in her business as a “dating period” – you get to know each other, make sure your philosophies and methods are compatible – before you decide to go steady.
Her description of the building blocks – what your needs / wishes are depending on your age, family situation, etc. – is great food for thought. When you’re young, you can look at saving; as we get older we might need to look more at our spending.
A lot of great information and explanations for listeners of all ages and comfort levels and experience in the financial world.
Melinda is licensed in the U.S. but much of the information is transferable to your country of origin – certainly the emphasis on finding an advisor you’re comfortable with and trust.
Aside: Do you know what streak running is?
Find Melinda Satterlee at: https://www.marathonwealthmgt.com/
Find out more about Melinda and get social media links at: https://boomwithabang.com/melinda-satterlee-financial-planner-and-investment-advisor/

Thursday May 11, 2023
Tonia Griffin on Senior Living Communities
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Senior living communities. We need to get past the concept of them being for old people! Good meals cooked for you, housekeeping done for you, entertainment and social events planned for you… but you come and go as you please… sounds like an ideal lifestyle to me!
Tonia Griffin is a marketer for a senior living complex in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and in the episode, she explains the difference between “Independent Living” and “Assisted Living” and the perks of the lifestyle. At Agnes’ invitation, Tonia also sells Baton Rouge – it is an over 2000 mile relocate! If Tonia doesn’t convince you to relocate you will certainly want to put Baton Rouge on your holiday destination list!!
See Tonia's Community at: https://williamsburgbr.com/
Learn more about Tonia at: https://boomwithabang.com/tonia-griffin-on-senior-living-communities/

Thursday May 04, 2023
Dr. Daved Rosensweet on Hormones and Menopause
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
This episode is an important one for both women and men. Dr. Daved Rosensweet starts with an overview of hormones for both women and men and what they do for us.
Interesting thought: not that many generations ago there was no such thing as menopause because lifespan was not that long.
Dr. Rosensweet gives us the facts behind the breast cancer risk that was associated with HRT and discusses Premarin and plant-based bio-identical hormones.
Two big take-aways: find a practitioner who is well-educated in hormones and check out compounding pharmacies.
So much great information in this episode but please remember this is a conversation – you need to check with your own health (hormone) specialist before you set up your own random hormone cocktail based on Dr. Rosensweet’s information.
Interestingly, Dr. R was the medical advisor / trainer of the first nurse practitioners ever graduated.
An aside: Dr. R also has a website called I Wonder Doctor for varied information – link in the show notes.
Download Dr. Rosensweet's book Happy Healthy Hormones at https://iobim.org/book/
Find Daved at: https://brite.live/
I Wonder Doctor at: https://iwonderdoctor.com/#welcome
Learn more about Dr. Daved Rosensweet and access all his links at: https://boomwithabang.com/dr-daved-rosensweet-on-hormones-and-menopause/

Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Jill McCarthy IS The Geeky Grandma With an Encouraging Nudge
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Tech came easy to Jill McCarthy, aka The Geeky Grandma. Since her first computer arrived she has been learning and creating and teaching, and over the years it has led to the growth of a community.
She combined her affection for penpal letter writing into e-pals where matched women would email each other. That grew into a women’s group, retreats, and a real community.
Jill’s podcast is The Geeky Grandma with An Encouraging Nudge. That name has a story behind it and Jill shares it. She also encourages us to go for our dreams… even if they need to be scaled back a bit at this age.
Jill’s catch-phrase is “The desires of the heart” and she truly is all heart. Meeting with women who are preparing for retirement or are newly retired, she slows the clock to inquire about interests from another time… and help them get to a next place.
Interested in Jill’s retreats? She has one coming up!
So many nuggets in this episode.
Listen to Jill's podcast at: