2025 is the 6th Season of The Boomer Woman’s Podcast. Each episode is a conversation between me – I’m Agnes Knowles, your host – and a guest who talks to a subject that, someway, somehow, is relatable to Boomer Women. The guests can be any age, any gender, as long as their message is positive, informative, pertinent to our demographic. You, dear listener, might need to be open-minded, curious, tolerant, inclusive… and if you are, you will enjoy these conversations, maybe learn something, and I encourage you to share each and any episode! Click the Follow/Subscribe button to be notified of the next great guest.

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Veronica Williams on Grief, Marriage & Finding Purpose
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Boomers have experienced some form of grief by this age. When great grief and great joy arrive on the same day, Veronica learns there is no instruction book, so she relies on her faith and her family to help her. They are what helped her find meaning in the grief.
Her insights are an example of moving through sorrow and “Accept the help” is her go-to advice.
Veronica shares tips on revitalizing a tired marriage: communication, honesty and authenticity. The difference between sex and intimacy;
Nugget: your empowerment won’t be persons, places or things
Las word for Boomer Women: Love yourself first.
Stay tuned for the name game laugh at the end!
Learn more about Veronica at https://www.allianceseminars.org/

Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Pam Drzewiecki on Powerful Purpose
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
So much discussion about all the things woman say to themselves… and believe about themselves… and the older we get the more there is in our histories.
But “accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative” is the theme running through this conversation with Pam Drzewiecki, who encourages us to find not only a good friend but a ‘strategic thinking partner’. We don’t need anyone to remind us of our short-comings because no one can be harder on us than we are ourselves.
Pam’s whole mid-life identity and mission in communicating with other women is summed up in the name of her website “Powerful Purpose”! and the Purpose Den is the she-lair for those women to be honest and supported, no judgements allowed.
And then there are Pam’s “Pillars”. Which pillar are you under? Pause Discover Design or Propel?
So many free tools and resources on Pam’s website: https://powerful-purpose.com/
If that’s not enough, make sure you listen to Pam’s “Fill The Purse With Purpose” project.

Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Prolific Investor Chris Odegard on Managing Your Money
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Chris Odegard is the author of "Get off Your A$$ and Manage Your Money: Why You Need Alternative Investments." In this episode he explains why conventional investing wisdom is seriously flawed and why so many North Americans will never have an abundant retirement lifestyle, much less achieve financial freedom at a younger age.
Chris discusses alternate investments, their how and why, with some interesting insights and logic.
Test yourself by taking Chris' "Conventional Wisdom Quiz" at https://theprolificinvestor.net/
Review his list of alternate investments at the website too.

Thursday Aug 25, 2022
TBW Guest: Meirav Zur Finally Finds Humour in Her Infertility
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Infertility. A serious subject? A sad subject? A frustrating subject?
Today’s guest took her own experiences with infertility and, finally, when she was ready, relied on her profession as a comedian to relate the subject with humour.
The podcast is for Boomer women so listen in as we discuss how we need to think, how we need to consider, why our children aren’t producing grandchildren for us… because apparently it’s the one area where someone else’s lives can be all about us.
Can you step back? can you consider that their reality is not what you suspect? Can you find a way to listen and understand so your lovely family feels safe sharing their reality?
Meirav Zur gives us some insights and some great tips.
Find Meirav and Inconceivable at https://meiravzur.com/

Thursday Aug 18, 2022
TBW Guest: Franne Golde on Her Husband’s Early Onset Alzheimer’s
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
An amazing marriage and great success in the music industry could not protect Franne Golde and her family from the diagnosis of early onset Alzheimer's that was claiming her husband, Paul.
In this episode, Franne shares the beginnings, the pain, the joys, the love that follows their journey. Heart-warming, heart-wrenching, heart-felt... Franne opens her heart to describe the ups and downs and ins and outs of Paul's early onset Alzheimer's... and then, of course, along came covid.
If you're on a similar journey to Franne and her family, you'll identify with so much of this conversation. If you're just beginning the journey, you need to listen so you understand there is joy, there are supports, and maybe start defining what "self-care" means to you before you're too tired to figure it out.
The article that Franne wrote for Maria Shriver's Sunday Paper can be found at https://www.mariashriversundaypaper.com/on-loving-someone-with-alzheimers/
If you want to enjoy the side conversations, check out The Magic Pant at https://www.frannegolde.com/ , Oprah's naming ceremony at https://www.oprah.com/fashion_and_beauty/best-black-pants-for-women/all and Music Mends Minds at https://www.musicmendsminds.org/
Franne refers to a great, helpful book, Creating Moments of Joy: https://www.amazon.com/Creating-Moments-Along-Alzheimers-Journey-dp-1557537607/dp/1557537607/

Thursday Aug 11, 2022
TBW Guest: Jaimie Sherling on LIVING! Life After Cancer
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
And as we find out in this episode, Jaimie is still living life with cancer.
While the subject of cancer can be a scary one, difficult to talk about, in this episode, Jaimie Sherling talks candidly about the diagnosis, her next steps and the life that grew out of it all.
Hair loss, double mastectomy, no reconstruction, survivor’s guilt, the fears of parents with younger children, and how her world came together with a community of drag queens.
The world of flat – no prosthetics… and how that led to clothing design. As in beautiful complimentary clothes for a woman with a flat chest.
The importance of Self care – and that will look different for every woman out there.
Mantras of the day: “You do you, sweets!” and “Screw that noise!”
Find Jaimie, her fabulous clothes and her book at https://ydysweets.com/
Get more links at our website: https://twoboomerwomen.com/jaimie-sherling-on-life-after-with-cancer/

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
TBW Guest: Jennifer Conroyd on Fluid Running
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
What does a marathoner do when she gets injured 6 weeks before the most important race of her career?
Dr. Google of course.
And what does she do when the healing modality of choice leads to a recovery that qualifies her for The Boston marathon.
She builds her own company around that modality, of course.
Whether you’re an Olympic athlete or an 86 year old Gramma, Jennifer Conroyd explains how Fluid Running can make you stronger, fitter, healthier.
Deep water running offers not only as much resistance training as you want, it is completely non-impact. Whether you’re treating an injury or maximizing your training or completely new to exercise, Jennifer discusses how fluid running gets you to where you want to be.
Needless to say, get clearance from your doctor before trying any new exercise regime… but this is something maybe your doctor will take up too!
If you have heart issues you’ll be interested to hear Jennifer’s description of deep water running’s effect on heart efficiency – again, talk to your doctor first!
Athletes, non-athletes, overweight, para-athletes… the list is endless who can benefit!
Learn more at https://www.fluidrunning.com/

Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
TBW Guest: Contrarian Myles Wakeham on Being Unconstrained
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Agnes and Myles start this episode comparing their childhoods as "free range kids"... with near-off the grid lifestyles and compare them to city living that has been the norm for the last 40 years.
Myles Wakeham was an early software developer whose life unfolded "unconstrained". He discusses the way of the western world, medical tourism and has interesting views on longevity, government statistics and recommendations, quality of life in “developing” countries.
Myles shares a history of money and banking leading into a discussion of crypto-currency. “Be an investor, not a speculator”.
You might be tempted to be depressed about some of the convo but, instead, become proactive about your life, your life choices, and make choices that make you happy and keep you healthy. Make your life an adventure.
Find Myles at https://www.beunconstrained.com/
and his podcast: https://www.beunconstrained.com/podcast

Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
TBW Guest: Taru Fisher on NLP
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programming
A subject Agnes knows Nothing about as she chats with the ever-patient Taru Fisher, a highly-qualified NLP practitioner. The combination leads to an entertaining, very fun discussion about NLP and its benefits for day-to-day living.
Taru gives examples to help demonstrate the practice of NLP and shares some exercises we can use in our day-to-day life.
Taru can be found at https://www.taru.com/ - a site that is being updated to reflect Taru's newest endeavours. E-mail her from there for more information.
In this episode there is fore-shadowing about Taru's newest offering: cannabis for health and aging. There will a TBW episode about that in the Fall.

Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
TBW Guest: Adult HomeShare Advocate Jennifer Hammer
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Jennifer Hammer may be an advocate for HomeSharing... it is her job after all... but she also embraces it as a lifestyle choice.
In this episode Jennifer explains that you need to go in with eyes wide open and, like any co-living situation (think family), there may a few bumps... but the benefits are numerous and the rewards are noticeable.
Like so many choices in life, if the concept is new to you or you're not convinced, you can try co-housing for a short term interval.
Agnes and Jennifer covered just about every pro for the lifestyle choice, especially for Boomer Women.
You can find out more at Jennifer's company website: https://www.silvernest.com/
It's American so may not help you to find a match, but it will answer so many questions you might have. Then you can do a web search in your own country.