2025 is the 6th Season of The Boomer Woman’s Podcast. Each episode is a conversation between me – I’m Agnes Knowles, your host – and a guest who talks to a subject that, someway, somehow, is relatable to Boomer Women. The guests can be any age, any gender, as long as their message is positive, informative, pertinent to our demographic. You, dear listener, might need to be open-minded, curious, tolerant, inclusive… and if you are, you will enjoy these conversations, maybe learn something, and I encourage you to share each and any episode! Click the Follow/Subscribe button to be notified of the next great guest.

Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Beate Chelette With Thoughts for Women Planning the Next Chapter
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Beate Chelette has an amazing story… actually she has more than one. So many good ideas… and almost every calamity except pestilence… and then a gift: the Small Business Administration (U.S.A.)
A smart business woman who could stay one step ahead of the trends – maybe she created them? – the truth lies somewhere between kismet and serendipity.
This podcast doesn’t often pursue a business theme, but Beate’s stories and insights and wisdom make it really interesting. Many pre- and early-retirement people consider another career, Beate talks to the entrepreneur and the VA.
Beate has also written The Women’s Code – that’s a book worth picking up. Such an advocate for women and the issues that society inflicts.
I give Beate several scenarios about a woman’s “work” situation… her answers are both insightful and so interesting… the words of a professional… and so inspiring!
Find Beate at https://beatechelette.com/
Learn more about Beate at https://boomwithabang.com/the-boomer-womans-podcast-beate-chelette/

Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Cristina Castignini: Eating Disorders at Any Age
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Cristina Castignini had an eating disorder. Once she had her PhD in Counseling Psychology, perhaps it was inevitable that she focus in on eating disorders.
In this episode, Cristina explains eating disorders and blows some myths out of the water.
As women, we tend to think that young women are the prime suspects for eating disorders, but menopause can also be a trigger.
I’m fairly sure I’ve not had an eating disorder but some of Cristina’s examples really hit home for me… remnants of the diet mentality?
What do you not say to someone with an eating disorder, or that you’re concerned might have an eating disorder? Cristina helps us out.
Find Cristina at https://behindthebitepodcast.com/home/
Learn more about Cristina at https://boomwithabang.com/the-boomer-womans-podcast-cristina-castignini/

Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Chris Donaldson: It’s The Journey Not The Destination
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
From bullets and bombs in Belfast in the 70s to a variety of civil wars in Africa… not to mention crossing the Sahara on a café racer… Chris Donaldson’s life did not lack excitement and danger in 1979/80.
As Chris’ “trip” unfolded he realized the destination was no longer the “thing” – he was traveling for the sake of traveling (… still on the Moto Guzzi café racer!)
From Ireland down through Africa to South America, L.A. to Vancouver and across Canada, south through the U.S. and Mexico to South America… that was Chris’ first trip.
You might remember names like the Ayatollah Khomeini, Idi Amin, Pablo Escobar… Chris seemed to visit at less than opportune times!
This conversation is adventure but nothing compared to the book!! Holy Moly!
Find Chris at http://chrisdonaldson.world/
Buy The Book: Going The Wrong Way
Learn more about Chris at: https://boomwithabang.com/the-boomer-womans-podcast-chris-donaldson/

Thursday Oct 26, 2023
DON’T Be Dismissed by the Medical System with Amanda Laden
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Amanda Laden’s medical issues went undiagnosed… or misdiagnosed for decades. Ridiculously debilitating periods, several miscarriages… until the right doctor happened to be in attendance and recognized all the signs.
As Boomer Women, we are past our baby-making years but this might be vital info for our daughters or granddaughters. We are, however, not past the age of being misdiagnosed, even ignored, as medical patients.
Both Amanda and I are privileged, educated white women. Health equity is a subject (read passion) that has grown out of Amanda’s personal experiences. Women of colour, gender-non-conforming people are at way higher risk of misdiagnosis or being ignored.
We do get a little political – no apologies.
Find Amanda at https://www.periodtopause.com/
Learn more about Amanda at https://boomwithabang.com/the-boomer-womans-podcast-amanda-laden/

Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Swami Nityananda on Living in Joy and Freedom
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
From the moment she joins the conversation Swami Nityananda’s warmth and joy shines through.
I start at the beginning, requesting a better understanding of “Swami” and her names.
If, for even a second, you struggle to find your true self… or you define yourself by one of the roles you play in life, Swami will remind you of your strengths, and loveliness… again and again.
Connectedness is a bit of a theme throughout, but Swami also has thoughts on those people who live and connect only with themselves.
We have some discussion about gender and Swami explains that the divine is beyond gender, as is the light inside you / us but… we have social circumstances that also come into play.
My questions may have proven my lack of knowledge in this episode but Swami’s explanations really reflect her knowledge of, her belief in all facets of her practices.
So much inspiration and joy from Swami Nityananda in this episode.
Find Swami Nityananda at https://awakeyogameditation.org/
Learn more about Swami and find all her links at https://boomwithabang.com/the-boomer-womans-podcast-swami-nityananda/

Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Nan Ives on Your Ultimate Retirement Life
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Retirement is in need of a reboot. That is Nan Ives’ mantra and she is the woman to show you how to do that. Don’t arrive at retirement thinking it will unfold. In today’s world, you may have 30 years to go after you relinquish the 9-5.
Nan encourages you to consider options, to experiment your way forward… but do it before you get the golden handshake. There are so many options in a variety of areas of life.
She realized she had a lot of the financial bits organized when she took her retirement, but there’s a lot more to retirement than just the money. So, she and her partner did a lot of research into the lives and choices of pre- and post-retirees before they created the signature programs that will make sure you’re prepared in all areas of the post-9-5 world.
“It’s not one and done.”
Find Nan Ives at https://www.thefutureofyou.com/
Learn more about Nan and find all her links at https://boomwithabang.com/the-boomer-womans-podcast-nan-ives/

Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Paula Harris on Financial / Life Planning for Widows
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Paula Harris found herself often helping widows sort out and plan finances after the death of their husband… and thus her business had a focus.
Paula shares a few of the very unfortunate scenarios she has encountered and then discusses the realities of “older” folk who are not as computer literate as they might need to be to access financial information these days.
Curve Ball Life Planning refers to being pre-prepared for the things life throws at you.
Paula also lists the documents that might be needed in the event of a life change… so know where they are. And the documents might change as the years go by.
The gift of preparedness… so important for those left behind.
So many good tips about the importance of preparing now. You thought tomorrow was a gift a decade ago? It’s even more so now. As is purpose.
Find Paula Harris at https://whcornerstone.com/
Learn more about Paula and find all the links at https://boomwithabang.com/paula-harris/

Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Dana Diaz on Narcissistic Abuse
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Narcissism… do you know it has both physical and mental effects on people? Narcissists have an over-inflated ego they need to feed… at any cost.
Dana Diaz has been the victim of narcissists and the manipulation that goes with that. She’s a smart woman with a good education and yet she still fell victim and married one. In this episode, she describes a typical narcissist and is very candid about the personal trauma is caused her.
Dana says she saw the signs but managed to excuse them as momentary lapses or as personal short-comings… haven’t many of us done that.
Interesting advice… it’s not about what you’re feeling about them… listen to what you’re feeling inside yourself. “If something feels off, it probably is.”
Find Dana at danasdiaz.com
Learn more about Dana and find all her links at https://boomwithabang.com/dana-diaz/

Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Lisa Sakai - Bucket List Accelerator
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Money. You’ll hear different financial advisors from time to time on this podcast because many of us are a generation for whom A. it was a taboo subject and B. our husbands made the decisions around money… even though they might have been none the wiser.
Lisa Sakai is The Bucket List Accelerator. How do you know what to put on that bucket list if you don’t Live! Now. Don’t be defines by a career or a job title. Have you thought “to the details”?
So much practical advice from Lisa in this episode. Too often we think of retirement through other people or other company’s eyes… Make retirement about you, your interests, your personality.
AND… so important, make sure your financial advisor connects with you on many levels.
Find Lisa at https://www.onevisionretire.com/
Learn more about Lisa and find all her links at https://boomwithabang.com/lisa-sakai/

Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Tina Davidson on Secrets and Creativity
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Tina Davidson has a very unusual childhood story… which she didn’t learn the truth of until she was a young adult. As an adult she became a highly regarded pianist and composer.
Tina discusses her road to success with no female role models and her experience now as the subject of dissertations by students who probably do see her as their role model. She is also so generous in expecting her listeners to claim the music as their own as they listen to it, and other musicians to consider themselves collaborators as they express her music their way.
Both travel and secrets were a large part of her childhood… Tina shares the story of the secrets quite candidly. She also talks about the effect of having her daughter on the music, and the secrets from her past, and life as a single parent.
As for the secrets… “what a tangled web we weave…”
However, stay tuned for the “gift of love”.
Find Tina at https://www.tinadavidson.com/
Learn more about Tina and her music at https://boomwithabang.com/tina-davidson/