2025 is the 6th Season of The Boomer Woman’s Podcast. Each episode is a conversation between me – I’m Agnes Knowles, your host – and a guest who talks to a subject that, someway, somehow, is relatable to Boomer Women. The guests can be any age, any gender, as long as their message is positive, informative, pertinent to our demographic. You, dear listener, might need to be open-minded, curious, tolerant, inclusive… and if you are, you will enjoy these conversations, maybe learn something, and I encourage you to share each and any episode! Click the Follow/Subscribe button to be notified of the next great guest.

Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
TBW Guest: Timeshare Crusader Lisa Ann Schreier
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Lisa Ann Schreier describes herself as a former salesperson who didn't succeed because she talked too much. Apparently, in some businesses, giving all the information to potential buyers is not encouraged.
In this episode, Lisa Ann explains the different types of timeshares, how they work, and why the potential buyer needs to control the conversation.
She shares many good tips on what questions to ask, when to challenge, and recommends we walk away and give the purchase clear analysis... despite the time-sensitive pressure applied by the salesperson.
Is timeshare right for you? Lisa Ann discusses that too.
Lisa Ann can be found at: https://thetimesharecrusader.blogspot.com/
and on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LisaLooksAt

Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
TBW Guest: Lee St. James on Social Robots in ElderCare
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Lee St. James may not have "invented" the social robot concept but her application of it in Assisted Living and Residential Care is nothing short of genius.
Lee began exploring the concept when her own father was retreating into dementia in another city. While the robot's development was too late for her father, Lee quickly realized "Mindy" has a place and a purpose in several areas of residential care. Their welcome has been immediate and enthusiastic.
In this episode, Lee explains the potential of the social robots to reduce social isolation, loneliness and stress for older adults and introduces us to her current Mindy.
This is definitely a must-share episode, especially as we learn all the issues that arose in ElderCare during the pandemic and, as we all age, we'll now have a headstart on being "handlers" if we go to live in a complex with a few Mindy's roaming the Rec Therapy department.
Meet Lee and Mindy at https://socialrobots.ca/
on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Social.Robots/
on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0vp2MOxEzGri0iAq4zqScw

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
TBW Guest: Sharon Glassman of Smile Songs
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Sharon Glassman is an introverted, Brooklyn, NY fashion writer turned Colorado designer and songwriter of Smile Songs cards and gifts that sing.
Definitely an optimist, a glass-half-full woman whose raison d'etre seems to be to make people smile, and to uplift them. That describes Sharon and also her cards and gifts that sing.
Introverts. Storytelling. Big city life, small city life and QR codes. Just part of the conversation this week.
This episode will leave you feeling happy and positive! Be sure to check out Sharon's cards and gifts at https://smilesongs.com
She's also on social media:

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
TBW Guest: Sex Therapist Liz Dube
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Fun. Relaxed. Informative.
Those are the terms that come to mind to describe a great conversation with Sex & Relationship Therapist Liz Dube.
Yes, we're older. Yes, body parts may not be as pretty (or perky) as they used to be. Yes, desire might be a little elusive as we get older.
Here's a novel thought: it's not just us women! Older men, our older partners, may well be feeling many of the insecurities/hesitations that we women are.
Communication. Outercourse. Honesty. Fun. Embrace those ideas and a vibrant sex life may be yours again... or yours for the first time ever!
A delightful, relaxed conversation about a sometimes taboo subject!!
Find Liz at https://talksexwithliz.com/
On TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@talksexwithliz
On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI4O18n88I5OIoGhw-LkZBw

Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
TBW Guest: Life Coach Dawn Mathis
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
This episode has so many thought-provoking sound bites... and they're all followed up with Dawn's thoughts and explanations.
How about these:
- there are two growth signals: our longings and our discontents
- if you are what you do and you don't, then you're not
- here's the thing about self-worth - you can never out-perform it
- notice what you're noticing
- the universe's first currency is not money, it's ideas
Some listeners might consider it elder-knowledge, for Dawn Mathis, it's just what she does.
Take the time to appreciate the fact that both Agnes and Dawn admit to thoughts that fly away with no warning - they are NOT senior moments, it's a fact of life!
Find Dawn Mathis at: https://www.insitulifeworks.com/

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
TBW Guest: Lynne Bowman, Author of Brownies for Breakfast
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Lynne Bowman describes herself as a a snarky grandma who doesn’t own a restaurant, isn’t a reality TV star, doesn’t have a medical degree, and doesn’t particularly like to cook.
However. She is a Glam Grandma, her kitchen looks like it's straight out of House & Home and she is definitely an all-star healthy-eating proponent. And the recipes in her cookbook Brownies for Breakfast are 5-star.
Lynne landed in adulthood with the knowledge that chronic disease can destroy families, it can destroy your wealth, it destroys everything in your life. A Type 2 diabetes diagnosis 30+ years ago made her laser focused on all aspects of good health and a determination to spread the word.
Entertaining, informative, and generous about sums up this episode with Lynne.
Interesting insider info near the end suggests we may well be hearing from Lynne again!!
Lynne can be found at https://lynnebowman.com/

Wednesday May 25, 2022
TBW Guest: International Adoption Mom Anna Maria DiDio
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Anna Maria DiDio is an international adoption mom whose best intentions and plans couldn't have prepared her fully for the challenges of a cross-border adoption.
When we think of international adoptions, we often picture a waif of a child who is unloved and under-nourished with haunting and haunted eyes. That's not necessarily the case as today's guest found out when she and her husband adopted a young child from Mexico.
In this episode Anna Maria is candid about the challenges faced by her, her husband, their biological daughter and their adopted daughter as they worked to create a family and find their path forward as a family. Anna Maria's chronicles were adapted into a book Love at the Border, An Adoption Adventure that will reassure other adopting families that their struggles are not unusual, and that they will come out the other end. Anna Maria also writes children's books which feature stories about adoption, foster care, stepchildren, and all blended families from the point of view of the child.
As grandparents we Boomers can play as important a role in the lives of adopted children as we do in the lives of our biological grands.
Learn more about Anna Maria DiDio and find her books at https://www.amdidio.com/

Wednesday May 18, 2022
TBW Guest: Professional & Phone Photographer Debbie Flynn
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Professional Photographer Debbie Flynn combines skill with heart when she takes her photographs, with beautiful success. So it was rather unsettling for her to find her talent didn't translate to her phone camera. Needles to say, she solved that problem.
With a background as a healing practitioner as well as a professional photographer, Debbie explains how the feel, or mood, of a photo - the occasion, the subject, the place and time - all contribute to a photographer's success.
In this episode Debbie shares some technical information but emphasizes how to approach the moment with the feel of the moment and the subject being captured.
Debbie and her trainings can be found at https://www.debbieflynnphotography.com/

Wednesday May 11, 2022
TBW Guest: RD Martha Tettenborn on Cancer, Keto, Chemo and Fasting
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Martha Tettenborn RD is a Registered Dietitian and certified Primal Health Coach with over 30 years of experience working in various areas of nutrition.
When diagnosed with Stage 1 ovarian cancer, Martha began exploring the research of the disease and discovered the science of cancer metabolism. This led her to develop and use a protocol of ketogenic diet with targeted therapeutic fasting to significantly impact her response to chemotherapy.
Her experience, strategies and resources, plus the science behind them, (and her determined and positive attitude) are outlined in her book Hacking Chemo: Using Ketogenic Diet, Therapeutic Fasting and a Kickass Attitude to Power Through Cancer.
Lots of science in this episode and, when Martha explains it, it all really makes sense. Definitely a must-listen as we all know someone who has or has had cancer.
Martha can be found at https://www.marthatettenborn.com/
And at her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Hacking-Chemo-Using-Nutrition-to-Journey-through-Cancer-362100501250902/

Wednesday May 04, 2022
TBW Guest: Life Mission Guide Carissa Kazyss
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Carissa Kazyss understands that there is a "Golden Thread" that weaves through our life, past, present and into the future and wants us to find that golden thread and experience the aliveness that comes from that.
Carissa explains that people in their third act want more aliveness, that our culture often fails to appreciate the wisdom we hold and how much we have to contribute.
Based on the work (and book) of Daniel Goodenough, The Caravan of Remembering is a call to live a life of authentic purpose.
Today's conversation offers seeds of introspection, and includes an exercise that Agnes appreciated while researching this episode but struggled with on air until Carissa guided her along the discovery path.
A truly interesting conversation that may well be the call you've been waiting for as you reflect on your life mission.
Carissa can be found at https://caravanofremembering.com/thegoldenthread/
The book and all the amazing resources can be found by clicking the links on the menu bar.