2025 is the 6th Season of The Boomer Woman’s Podcast. Each episode is a conversation between me – I’m Agnes Knowles, your host – and a guest who talks to a subject that, someway, somehow, is relatable to Boomer Women. The guests can be any age, any gender, as long as their message is positive, informative, pertinent to our demographic. You, dear listener, might need to be open-minded, curious, tolerant, inclusive… and if you are, you will enjoy these conversations, maybe learn something, and I encourage you to share each and any episode! Click the Follow/Subscribe button to be notified of the next great guest.

Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Tamara Zoner on Practicing Happiness
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Do you take responsibility for your own happiness? It is in your hands… and you have to cultivate it.
Life happens to all of us. If it seems overwhelming, you can still choose how you respond… even if your response is choosing to binge Netflix for a period of time – it’s a conscious choice.
Finding positives is how we start to retrain our neurology. So in the midst of “the mess”, are you healthy? Do you have a home? Clean water out of the tap?
If you are surrounded by grumps and negative people, find joy elsewhere – YouTube, Meet-ups, other groups, review personal accomplishments.
I seem to throw a lot of negatives at Tamara but her solutions never fail. Again, life happens and it isn’t always happy, but we accept life and find “an inner state of peace and well-being”.
“Practice” happiness. Very powerful.
Find Tamara at: https://www.alifeyoulovenow.com/
Find all of Tamara's links at: https://boomwithabang.com/tamara-zoner-on-practicing-happiness/

Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Barbara Mojica - The Importance of History in Creating Critical Thinkers
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
An extra-long episode today – that’s what happens when Agnes gets chatting with a history educator and Barbara has so many thought-inspiring insights!
Barbara Mojica explains how history is in every part of our life – family, place, customs, society. Both an historian and an explorer, Barbara brings history to life, even on podcast.
As an educator, Barbara brings an interesting take on the job of teaching today and how children learn.
Barbara talks about children becoming the leaders of tomorrow, and being critical thinkers… she explains the correlation between history and critical thinking and tomorrow’s leaders. Which does, of course, lead to a discussion of search engine use and social media and algorithms in getting information.
Cultural history is important as a family reference, but also from a global perspective, why other people may be different because of their cultural history. Encouraging children to see the good and the bad of a family’s cultural history is important as the world continues to change at a rapid pace.
Be a lifelong learner… as adults and, as adults, teach the children to be also… including sharing what you’ve learned as the elder.
A bonus question at the end might be interesting to anyone interested in writing children’s books.
Find Barbara at https://www.littlemisshistory.com/
Get all the info and links at https://boomwithabang.com/barbara-mojica-on-the-importance-of-history-in-creating-critical-thinkers/

Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Paula Conroy - Connect to Your Authentic Essence
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Today’s conversation starts with discussion of the maiden years, the mother years, the crone years.
Paula’s description of her life in the corporate arena might sound exciting but, as she matured, she started to recognize what she calls the “aridity” of her seemingly successful life.
An interesting discussion of masculine attributes and feminine attributes at a cultural/corporate level. Also, the lack of rites of passage in western culture. How do we take responsibility for our part in all of it? How do we revisit rites of passage and make them part of our life, our community again?
You might find Paula’s Rose, Thorn, Banana Peel and Seed ritual useful. How often do you engage in circle discussion, allowing each person to hold space?
Embrace your “crone” years!
Find Paula at https://www.thefrequency.global/
Find all of Paula's links at: https://boomwithabang.com/paula-conroy-connect-to-your-authentic-essence/

Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Allison O’Shea on Taking Control of Our Aging Decisions
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Allison O’Shea has over 18 years of direct hands-on experience working with seniors and their families. This experience has given her the knowledge to be a reputable voice in the confusing and overwhelming world of aging.
In this episode, we discuss the 5 main questions Allison thinks we need to be considering if we are becoming caregivers for an aging loved one... or, if we're at retirement age, we need to be answering to maintain control of our decisions.
Questions such as:
- Who is my support system?
- What is my financial situation?
- Do I know what options are out there?
- Am I communicating to my support system?
- Am I listening to my support system?
Allison's information is American - some of it may work where you live... at any rate check out local resources and government programs and insurances where you are.
A few tech glitches, please be kind.
Find Allison at: https://openlyaging.com
All of Allison's links are the podcast website: https://boomwithabang.com/allison-oshea-on-taking-control-of-our-aging/

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Alara Sage - The Ecstatic Life Mentor
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
A woman’s power. That deep-rooted, deeply felt power that comes from the feminine. Wisdom, the magnitude each woman has, inexhaustible energy.
Alara Sage calls herself the ecstatic life mentor after a spontaneous kundalini awakening. She talks about orgasm in a sexual way, but also in a non-sexual, more sensual way… that life is meant to be highly pleasurable.
An interesting discussion about being in the present moment – our minds may not be but our bodies always are. An embodied woman is present in the moment and understands her own personal power.
Shame. Intuition. Self-worth. The Divine. The Creative. Submission vs Surrender. Playfulness. Such great topics for conversation… with no shortage of laughter.
Find Alara at https://www.alarasage.com/
Find all the links at https://boomwithabang.com/alara-sage-the-ecstatic-life-mentor/

Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Juliana Dever on Why We All Need To Travel
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Juliana Dever’s enthusiasm for travel is so contagious in this episode. It’s impossible to disagree with her reasoning on why we should travel. Whether experiencing something new… or better than your status quo; or how novelty unleashes a creativity you’ve never acknowledged before; or finding a person or a thing that startles your sense of what is. And guess what, Listeners! In Juliana’s experience, women are the more adventurous of the sexes… and older women at that!!
You’ll appreciate the insight that travel is about connecting with the place or the people… not necessarily being an adrenalin junkie.
As you listen, you’ll realize Juliana tours you to places you’d never find by yourself. And the women on those tours are women this host wants to travel with!! That said, she also has great suggestions about traveling safely and comfortably, even alone.
You’ll learn. And you’ll laugh!!! As well as a travel pro, Juliana is a delightful story-teller!
Find Juliana at https://cleverdeverwherever.com/
Find all the links mentioned at https://boomwithabang.com/juliana-dever-on-why-we-all-need-to-travel/

Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Hilary Truong on The Mother-Daughter Relationship
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Hilary Truong is a therapist who specializes in the Mother–Daughter Relationship. You may not want to hear all of what she says but perhaps that’s a control issue (my words, not hers) – no one ever suggested parenting was easy and there is no “one-size-fits-all” method for the generations to figure it out.
At any age, we need to remember that the mother is the mother and her daughter is the daughter and not allow those lines to blur. If you’re an older woman trying to heal a lifetime with a mother who wasn’t perhaps you wanted or needed her to be, it is, as in so many relationships, about the story… often a story that go back generations.
Hilary also has insights into the over-protective (overbearing?) father.
Mothers, did you know listening is a huge part of the equation?
Find Hilary at https://www.hilarymae.com/

Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Lynn Friesth on Encore Careers
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Lynn Friesth spent 40 years in the corporate world and for the last seven has been building his “Encore Career”.
In this episode he explains just what an “Encore Career” is and the major considerations for a “silver entrepreneur”. We discuss mindset, skill sets, value propositions and “practice”. Did you know that entrepreneurs over age 55 had a higher rate of success than their young counterparts?
There are many ways to reinvent yourself after your long career – you can scale back, you can scale back and mentor those who follow, or you can change lanes completely.
Is pickleball the new golf?
Find Lynn at: https://www.lynnfriesth.com/

Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Alexis Burnett replay on Cannabis Science
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Last week I spoke with Terri Yuzon, CEO and founder of Hemplily. Hemplily provides natural, cannabis-based alternatives for many issues that women experience: hot flashes, night sweats, stress, sleep… to name a few.
Last year I spoke with an herb and cannabis farmer from Ontario and he was SO knowledgeable about the bio-chemistry of cannabis and the endo-cannabinoid system within our bodies, that I decided to pull excerpts from my conversation with Alexis and follow last week’s conversation with his information.
Alexis and I spoke for two hours and I have edited that down to 30 minutes of information... I wanted only to give you the basic science behind cannabis. I DO encourage you to listen to both episodes of my conversation with Alexis last year to hear the full context of our conversation – cannabis, growing cannabis, different cultivars…and also to learn more about other herbs and natural remedies.
Full episodes from last year:
1. https://twoboomerwomen.podbean.com/e/monthly-manday-cannabis-herb-farmer-expert-alexis-burnett/
2. https://twoboomerwomen.podbean.com/e/monthly-manday-alexis-burnett-on-cannabis-and-herbs-part-2/
Learn more about Alexis and check out his courses at: https://www.organigrowcanada.com/

Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Terri Yuzon on Hemp - Menstruation to Menopause
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
When she was much younger Terri Yuzon was given a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Determined not to be on meds for the rest of her life, she started researching a healthier lifestyle. Part of that search led her to cannabis but cannabis in those days was a more drug-associated product. Finally she was able to create a hemp-product that didn’t have the “drug” effects of marijuana. Hemplily was officially launched.
Cannabinoid receptors are part of the human brain which helps to explain why cannabis assists with so many issues of the body. Terri’s products are designed for women “from menstruation to menopause”.
From gummies to tinctures to topicals, Terri talks about the differences and the many products available for women – and some that are great for men too.
And then there are mushrooms…
Find Teri at https://hemplily.com/