2025 is the 6th Season of The Boomer Woman’s Podcast. Each episode is a conversation between me – I’m Agnes Knowles, your host – and a guest who talks to a subject that, someway, somehow, is relatable to Boomer Women. The guests can be any age, any gender, as long as their message is positive, informative, pertinent to our demographic. You, dear listener, might need to be open-minded, curious, tolerant, inclusive… and if you are, you will enjoy these conversations, maybe learn something, and I encourage you to share each and any episode! Click the Follow/Subscribe button to be notified of the next great guest.

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
TBW Guest: Author Glenna Mageau
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Mother's Day is one month away and this episode may well be a gift to both of you.
Today Glenna discusses the how and why of capturing your parents' story. Or anyone's story really... but our elders won't be here forever so time is of the essence.
Take advantage of Glenna's expertise and follow her suggestions... and find out more at:
If you're looking for excellent suspense novels, there's Glenna's alter ego, Maggie Thom... She was interviewed on this podcast on March 17, 2021:
https://twoboomerwomen.podbean.com/e/tbw-guest-suspense-writer-maggie-thom/ (or wherever you listen to podcasts).
Share your thoughts at https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/

Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
TBW Guest: Jyotish Astrologer Phyllis Chubb, Part 2
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
This week Phyllis returns to discuss the differences between Western thinking and Eastern thinking. Her knowledge really is astounding.
Unfortunately, the recording equipment really doesn't like the Agnes-Phyllis connection as this week's episode is a bit problematic too, but like last week, it's so worth listening through.
Phyllis mentions valuable readings to get a better understanding of the "knowledge" that exists, especially in Eastern thinking. Her reading list is below:
The Upanshads – Eknath Easwaran The Upanishads have been translated by many however this particular author is one of the clearest, and so his edition is being suggest.
Mahabharata – A story of a war – Shrila Vyasadeva, summarized by Purnaprajna das.
Bhagavad-Gita As It Is – Swami Prabupada. This is available through the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – Patanjali This book describes the base of Yoga.
Human Devolution a Vedic alternative to Darwin’s Theory. Michael A. Cremo Something to seriously consider
The Gospel of Judas – edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Wurst
These are two specific books, other are also available.
The Gospel of Thomas – Hidden sayings of Jesus – Harold Bloom.
The NAG Hammadi Scriptures – Edited by Marvin Meyer. Originally discovered in 1945. A compete collection of the scrolls, but it is not an easy read.
The Art of War – Sun Tzu. A classic on self-knowledge. This can be read at many levels.
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying – Sogyal Rinpoche. A different way of seeing life and death, not the only different way.
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Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
TBW Guest: Jyotish Astrologer Phyllis Chubb
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Audio Alert: this is such a good episode, with the worst audio quality yet... so worth being patient with though - Phyllis is a joy!
As a child, Phyllis Chubb's first word was Why?
At age 9, she met a yogi and it seems her path was set. Studying metaphysics and astrology when they weren't really accepted, an early career practicing and counselling 'non-compliance'.
Two common threads here: "Happiness is an inside job" and "When the student is ready the teacher will appear".
Phyllis offers insights into the 'self' that can't be summed up in show notes.
And how all the above leads a romance novel... or three.
Find Phyllis at https://phyllischubb.com
Find her books at Amazon and https://phyllischubb.com/my-novels
Share your thoughts at https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation

Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
TBW Guest: Suspense Writer Maggie Thom
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Maggie Thom... Glenna Mageau... today you'll primarily meet Maggie Thom: award winning suspense/mystery/thriller writer.
Maggie discusses her methods - writing, plot development, character studies - and the preparations for publishing.
If you've ever considered writing, you'll get lots of tips. If you're looking for a good suspense with twists and turns throughout, you'll be following Maggie in no time!
Links mentioned:
Scrivenor: https://twoboomerwomen.com/scrivener
(that's Maggie/Glenna's affiliate link - full disclosure: she will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you)
Draft 2 Digital: https://draft2digital.com
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com
Island Rock Creations: https://www.facebook.com/Island-Rock-Creations-110559340676979
Find Maggie:
You'll meet Glenna Mageau again in a future episode of Two Boomer Women, but if you want to get a head start: https://www.glennamageau.com

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
TBW Guest: Breast Cancer Coach Marnie Clark, Part 2
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Last week Breast Cancer Coach Marnie Clark reviewed 12 of her 24 recommendations for reducing your risk of breast cancer. Don't let the number daunt you - they are basic lifestyle changes and completely actionable (maybe you're already ahead of the game and doing some, that makes it even easier).
She is smart, knowledgeable, and "been there, done that".
Marnie mentioned some great references online - some of them are listed below. She mentions a number of different resources she has on her website, I won't list them all here, it's well worth the visit to her website and explore there:
- https://marnieclark.com/
- https://marnieclark.com/how-to-courses-change-your-life-meditation-course/
- https://www.huffpost.com/entry/paraben_b_5507615
- https://emfadvice.com/recommended-products-2/
- https://www.ewg.org/
- https://www.facebook.com/MarnieClarkcom
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Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
TBW Guest: Breast Cancer Coach Marnie Clark
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
If you haven't been touched by breast cancer, there's a good chance you know someone who has.
This week Agnes interviews breast cancer coach Marnie Clark. Marnie has written a document outlining 24 actionable things you can do to prevent breast cancer. This week she discusses the first half. Tune in next week for the second half of this super-informative interview.
You can find Marnie at: https://marnieclark.com/
Mentioned in this episode: https://nutritionfacts.org/
Share your thoughts at: https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/
Interested in being a guest? Application is available at: https://twoboomerwomen.com/guest-application-2/

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
TBW Retirement Financials Follow-up
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Last week, the guest on the show was Certified Financial Planner Nahanni Ackroyd.
At the end of that super-informative episode, Agnes promised to follow-up this week with a spreadsheet she had created that really crunched the numbers of your life. This episode reviews the spreadsheet - you'll understand the effectiveness without the video, but there is a video too.
The video link: https://twoboomerwomen.com/episode-extras/
Agnes also mentioned a full-on Pre-retirement planning course she had created a few years ago. It's free now - you'll find the link to register at the above link too.
Good luck!!
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Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
TBW Guest: Certified Financial Planner Nahanni Ackroyd
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Nahanni Ackroyd is a diligent, caring, perceptive, smart financial planner on Vancouver Island.
In this episode she discusses some of the basics of Retirement 101 in the Canadian context. Critical Illness insurance is recommended by Agnes and Nahanni - so she touches on it.
Finally, if giving is part of your financial plan, 100 Who Care is a great way to keep your dollars local.
Acronyms for this episode:
- RRSP: Registered Retirement Savings Plan
- TFSA: Tax Free Savings Account
- RRIF: Registered Retirement Income Fund
- CRA: Canada Revenue Agency
- OAS: Old Age Security
- CPP: Canada Pension Plan
- GIS: Guaranteed Income Supplement
Nahanni Ackroyd: https://www.nahanniackroyd.com/
100 Who Care: https://www.100whocarealliance.org/
Join the TBW conversation: https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/

Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
TBW Guest: Gen-X-er Michelle
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
The conversation today starts with the value of finding one valued/valuable accountability partner.
As Agnes chats with Michelle, it becomes apparent that no matter what we name the generations, the story for many women doesn't really change. Some of the circumstances may look different but the commonalities are there.
Michelle is a Gen-X-er who had a great career but, after the birth of twins, realized the income that remained at the end of the month if she went back to work was paltry... and add that fact to the heartache of leaving babies in the care of another woman - she decided to be a stay-at-home mom.
So many of us can identify with all the stages of personal reflection and evaluation that mothers go through... if the story of this woman isn't quite the same as our Boomer-story, Michelle might be your daughter... she's worth listening to for that reason alone! (She's worth listening to for a bunch of reasons but you know what I mean!)
Share your thoughts at https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/
This episode first aired on August 6, 2020.

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
TBW Guest: Robin DeFoe
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Agnes has her good friend, Robin DeFoe on this week: Robin is one of those special Boomers who still has a mom with her, and she has decided to be caregiver for her mom as dementia claims another lovely person.
Robin has a unique gift and that is building a network marketing business, although most of her work has had to be sidelined as her mom's needs grow.
Robin was introduced to CBD oil to help her mom - the link to the research she found is below; and Robin is also living proof of the effectiveness of her immune system booster, that link is also below.
Full disclosure: Robin will make no money from the CBD link, she will earn a small stipend if you decide to try out her immune system product.
CBD link: https://www.vitalityhealthcbd.com/product/full-spectrum-cbd-tincture/
Immunocal links: http://www.immunotec.com/rox
Share your thoughts at: https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/
Thank you, Robin, for coming on today!
This episode first aired on July 15, 2020.