2025 is the 6th Season of The Boomer Woman’s Podcast. Each episode is a conversation between me – I’m Agnes Knowles, your host – and a guest who talks to a subject that, someway, somehow, is relatable to Boomer Women. The guests can be any age, any gender, as long as their message is positive, informative, pertinent to our demographic. You, dear listener, might need to be open-minded, curious, tolerant, inclusive… and if you are, you will enjoy these conversations, maybe learn something, and I encourage you to share each and any episode! Click the Follow/Subscribe button to be notified of the next great guest.

Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
BoowWithABang.com gets kudos from Mar Sulaika. https://boomwithabang.com/
This time last year we were planning for this podcast. Sorting, Sorting, Sorting...
Expanding Mar Sulaika's website... and her brain. Interesting hindsight as these things really do take on a life of their own and unfold the way they should.
Agnes is the Analogy Queen this episode - hope you can follow. When it comes to the discussion of possibilities: if you can dream it, the ability to make it so is probably out there somewhere!
A quick update on Kashi - which leads to the secret lives of cats.

Thursday Jul 02, 2020
A Veritable Potpourri of Boomer Opportunities
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Agnes is flying solo today - some time ago she collated a variety of income opportunities for Boomers... she reviews them today, and if you don't need an income opportunity then perhaps something here will be a diversion as we find our Normal in this current global Normal.
Links mentioned: https://boomwithabang.com/synapses-synapping/
Talk to us at: https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/
Contact us at: https://twoboomerwomen.com/contact/

Monday Jun 29, 2020
Flashback: Cat Tales and Designing Your Online Presence
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Flashback to 2019 - Agnes was helping Mar Sulaika realize her vision of a website to represent her online. It's such a personal piece of property, your online home. A slightly shorter episode today as Two Boomer Women really got into the minutiae of design and we didn't want to bore with you too much of that!
As an aside, your take-away from this episode is that you should be firm with your wishes when it comes to your website, and so much of the fine tuning can be done with the click of a mouse. Don't be intimidated - Do It!
Interesting flashback today as tomorrow (in real time) Agnes meets with another artist, this time a musician friend, to discuss his vision for a website. Maybe it's a Spring-thing.
Today's episode begins and ends with cat tales - Kashi and Cat. Kashi is Mar Sulaika's mom's cat but currently her responsibility, getting older... preparing for the death of a loved pet is not easy.
Somewhere in there you'll hear a brief mention of this podcast, which was still just an idea this time last year!
Share your thoughts with Two Boomer Women at: https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/

Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Two Boomer Women Review The State of The Current World And...
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Bonbons... what was that show called? Oh, right, Married With Children.
School's done - that's a huge relief for Agnes. She's still house hunting - so there's speculation on what's going to happen to house values.
Mar Sulaika watched Boys Don't Cry... which leads to many insights into the "human condition". Two Boomer Women dig into history and personal viewpoints as they wade through that complex subject.
Voices: real, recorded, AI, subtle manipulation...
Finally genes/jeans, Agnes owns her density.

Monday Jun 22, 2020
Flashback: June 2019 Was The Birth of The Story Goddess
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
A little progress in the matter of Agnes' family housing issue post-apartment fire... they are settling into their "current normal" - interesting as it is a key phrase this year when Agnes talks about COVID.
Mar Sulaika experiences the joys of apartment living as she has water issues just as she's planning a trip away.
Mar Sulaika shares some of the 'oddities' of her mom's dementia.
Agnes is meeting Mar Sulaika to firm up plans for The Story Goddess (TheStoryGoddess.ca).
Memories of Mar Sulaika's artist friend Robert, followed by the joy in small pleasures.
Finally anecdotes about deer and bear wandering through the town.
Share your thoughts at: https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/

Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Current Realities re: COVID, the Salvation Army and "Business"
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Of course, a discussion around eggs morphs to where to find us online!
The power of conversation as we each (all of us) create our go-forward reality. Mar Sulaika got to see her mom this week, after 3 months of isolation - to 2 or not to 2 (metres, that is...) and the varying realities of relationships.
Dementia... and when it speaks inappropriately in public spaces.
A short discussion around the Salvation Army - Agnes voices personal preferences so don't take anything as suggestion/recommendation.
Listen in on a bit of a business conversation - Mar Sulaika's and our two podcasts: this one and Pissed on Podcast... life is ever-evolving!
References to Stella Artois commercials (Mar Sulaika's faves):

Monday Jun 15, 2020
Flashback: Stats for Proposal and Selling Navajo Jewelry
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Mondays will be Flashbacks to the same time 2019 for a while as Mar Sulaika takes advantage of the creative energy that has possessed her of late. Thursday will be current as, of course! will be Pissed On Podcast!
So... last June Mar Sulaika was pursuing neighbourhood stats for a business proposal... with very little luck - technology is great but it's ineffective if it's not kept up-to-date.
Mar Sulaika was selling a piece of jewelry: Navajo turquoise... not sure if it's sold - contact her at the website if it's of interest to you!
There was nothing much of excitement in Agnes' life so there's a quick update on the fire that put her daughter and family out of their home last June... life can throw curve balls when you least expect it!
Leave us your comments at: https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/
There's a Contact page at that website too!
Thanks for tuning in! Please share all the episodes you find interesting or enlightening!

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Sign of The Times: Many Heavy Subjects Today
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
It's very difficult to be upbeat with the world going through its current growing pains - and Two Boomer Women weren't going to fake it.
Mercury in retrograde was an easy place to start...
Then on to COVID and Black Lives Matter and police and revolution and Brokeback Mountain and Me Too and COVID. How's that for tackling the world as we know it?
We did end on a somewhat lighter note: sending photos by email, playing in the rain and Skype scat - can Agnes work editing magic? (Apparently only some.)
Good news is tomorrow's Friday and it's Pissed on Podcast! https://pissedonpodcast.podbean.com/
If you want to contribute to any part of today's conversation, please do: https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation

Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
June is off to a bit of crazy start for Two Boomer Women so thank goodness they have episodes in the vault! Here is another one from June 2019.
To bring you up to speed, one year ago Agnes's daughter and her family were "collateral damage" from an apartment fire in the suite above them in their downtown high rise. They quickly learned the generosity of people... although Agnes had called her daughter just last week to comment on the one year 'anniversary' and, one year later, they are back in their suite but there are still issues resulting from the fire. A good reminder how things can change in the blink of an eye.
This time last year, Mar Sulaika was working on a contract with a local business to hold IELTS (International English Language Testing System) training for their employees. Mar Sulaika and Agnes continued that conversation and brainstormed ideas - spoiler alert: the manager who was supporting her proposal was transferred out of the area shortly after this conversation (welcome to the world of the self-employed). Part of this conversation is a reminder of the value of The Lost Art of Conversation!
Mar Sulaika was having a small medical procedure so Agnes may (and did) do double duty as Florence Nightingale!
Finally, a brief discussion and story about unions.
Share your thoughts with us at: https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Flashback: Creativity - The Process, The Product & The Business
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Two Boomer Women reach back into the vault again today to June 2019.
This episode has a lazy start although Molly Shannon is full of energy! (When these episodes were recorded last year, we had no way of knowing how loud, and uneditable, fidgeting is. So, our apologies, but rest assured fidgeting is the sign of an active creative!)
Mar Sulaika has been considering selling some of the artwork of her late husband, Peter Paul Ochs (still available as of this air date - if you're interested please contact Mar Sulaika via the website), and discussion revolves around all the emotions that accompany that idea.
Joni Mitchell's take on the creative process leads into Mar Sulaika and her creativity with Agnes brainstorming a route to an online voice for Mar Sulaika.
Discussion invited at: https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/