2025 is the 6th Season of The Boomer Woman’s Podcast. Each episode is a conversation between me – I’m Agnes Knowles, your host – and a guest who talks to a subject that, someway, somehow, is relatable to Boomer Women. The guests can be any age, any gender, as long as their message is positive, informative, pertinent to our demographic. You, dear listener, might need to be open-minded, curious, tolerant, inclusive… and if you are, you will enjoy these conversations, maybe learn something, and I encourage you to share each and any episode! Click the Follow/Subscribe button to be notified of the next great guest.

Monday Jun 01, 2020
June 1st - Crazy Making Monday. and James Thurber
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Donald Trump, Mar Sulaika's book and Amazon... and that was just the first 5 minutes!
It's a short episode today as life is winging just a bit out of control and Agnes is agitated because of an aggressive deer stalking while she was out with her grandsons and dog this morning.
Updates! Skype, computers, they can be a thorn in one's side.
Fear in children; and ending with James Thurber's The Last Flower.
Talk to us at https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/

Thursday May 28, 2020
The Post-COVID world: Animals, Humans, and the Food Chain!
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
An all-time record short episode for Two Boomer Women... our Skype connection was incredibly glitchy and yet the recordings were way better than the Live convo we experienced!!
Agnes is taking the boys to feed birds this morning and Sulaika's neighbours feed squirrels... of course this is the segue for the discussion about humankind's relationship with animals: world-view and COVID-view... who is top of the food chain?
Agnes has something up her sleeve, which we were going to discuss live, but Skype was too glitchy to continue - we continued via phone... stay tuned to find out our secrets!

Monday May 25, 2020
Sex and Longevity to Post-COVID and Bra Fitters
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
Two Boomer Women had serious connection issues today but the conversation around the post-COVID realities for care facilities is worth sticking around for - both women have first hand experience with the current model and, as Boomers, may need the future model to work for us!
We started light with the facts of life: the connection between sex and longevity.
The post-COVID world may be unfolding slowly as isolation rules are lifted... what that looks like for care facilities on a go-forward basis will be interesting. There are so many facets to consider and this pandemic has laid bare all the failings of the current system. If you have ideas to add to ours, please do: https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/
The conversation broadens to include any workers who can never get full-time work... and is it only Two Boomer Women who can use that serious discussion to segue in bra fitters? Stay tuned for a personal bra anecdote from Mar Sulaika that most women will relate to.
We end today with some business chat around what's happening on Mar Sulaika's business website - hopefully some of our chat about ideas and websites and stories will trigger you to think about what your post-COVID world looks like and you'll consider reinventing yourself online!
Mar Sulaika can be found at https://thestorygoddess.ca/
Agnes can be found at https://sassysavvysuccessful.com/
Editorial note from Mar Sulaika, in reference to her comments about a Family Caregiver association: It's the Family Caregivers of BC, Barb Maclean estimated 1 million - here in the province - who provide 'unpaid care' for adults (I think this is not just elders).
Factoid: Health Council of Canada estimates a 31% burnout for family caregivers.

Wednesday May 20, 2020
Creativity, Weather, Memory, Spring and a Post-Covid World
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
As usual Two Boomer Women cover a plethora of subjects today.
As well as her English language business, Mar Sulaika is very creative so bounces some ideas off Agnes... who loves any challenge that involves brainstorming a solution! ...which leads to a short discussion on copyright.
Weather as a subject of conversation and memory issues - everyone can identify with those two conversations!
Bread-making and the arrival of "opening up" after a long COVID isolation...
Agnes tries to share some podcast problems she experienced this week but stops when Mar Sulaika dozes off.
Spring has arrived... such good news for so many reasons! Respecting nature (or other monuments)...
Mar Sulaika was able to chat with her mother last weekend - which brought mixed emotions.
It's Hump Day, next meet is Pissed on Podcast!!

Monday May 18, 2020
Flashback: Mourning, IELTS, AND Life Is Absurd!
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Another Flashback episode as Mar Sulaika has a busy week, this one obviously Pre-COVID. Molly the fidgeter was busy in this episode, please forgive her!
Are "Celebrations of life" a replacement for mourning? Mourning has been so respected in so many cultures in history. (Some of our references sound like foreshadowing for Pissed on Podcast - but really, they aren't!
Mar Sualaika has an interesting conversation with a stranger - love those!
IELTS and the English language, Mar Sulaika's bailiwick although we both have some strong opinions.
Editorial comment: Salt juice uses lemon not vinegar.
One of our constants: Life Is Absurd! right into the celery diet... followed by yard chores which prompts Agnes to read the conversation between God and St. Francis.
Finally, Mar Sulaika is trying to implement anew habit - let's try and remember to ask her how that went.

Thursday May 14, 2020
Flashback: Get to Know The English Goddess and Listen in on Some Coaching Coaching
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Scheduling conflicts means that Two Boomer Women can't get together for scintillating (or any) conversation today.
We've dug into the archives from last May when the Two Boomer Women podcast was on the radar but despite the early references, Pissed on Podcast wasn't even thought of yet).
We were still recording on Skype, which isn't great, and Mar Sulaika is taking pages of notes while Agnes referred to her daytimer several times - in other words please forgive the S's and the rattling.
You'll get to know more about Mar Sulaika, aka The Story Goddess, aka The English Goddess, with insights into what she offers with her coaching services.
Lots of brain-storming with Agnes(can you spell collocation?). This segment may well be of interest to anyone thinking about creating a business or teaching online.
Find Mar Sulaika at: https://thestorygoddess.ca/
Find Agnes at: https://sassysavvysuccessful.com/

Monday May 11, 2020
COVID Relaxation and Mother's Day aka Philosophy 400
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Here on the west coast of Canada Mother's Day weekend was beautiful and warm... combined with good results from our self-isolation... means that many people went a little crazy with their socialization.
The pendulum swings...
Lots of philosophy from us today as isolation starts to wear and family is family... a reminder on Mother's Day.
Skype was a little glitchy, but you'll follow!
Happy Mother's Day to everyone who is a Mom, or has a Mom... one day late.

Thursday May 07, 2020
Serology and Zoom-ing to the Women of COVID and Pissed on Podcast
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
Serology is the word of the day in Mar Sulaika's life and Agnes is noticing how many people avoid using the word COVID... emphasizing our theme of the importance of conversation.
Agnes gives Mar Sulaika a few tips on Zoom-ing and owns up to her one of her own illicit behaviours.
Agnes has joined the ranks of bread makers (and to-die-for banana cake) which leads to lists and list-making.
Mar Sulaika is currently reading a book about women who take over the world (written by a man)... then on to Greece and simplicity and 'stuff'. Finally, women in this time of COVID.
Pissed on Podcast is shaping up... which wine-producing countries shall we accept sponsors from first!
Agnes gets her tech-fix - discussing podcasts as the new "thing".
Keep up with what we're doing:
Mar Sulaika's current read: https://twoboomerwomen.com/remick-citadel
Pissed on Podcast: https://pissedonpodcast.podbean.com/

Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
It's Monday - do we sound a little slow?
Agnes' reality includes a grumpy 2-yr-old and home schooling a 10-yr old. They're in the same ballpark, aren't they?
Mar Sulaika has a dancing jasmine plant.
For the first time ever, we ran out of chat (it's a COVID-isolation thing) - for about 37 seconds!
Walks and visiting in these times; sound vs silence vs noise - we hope you wade in.
A recent Pissed on Podcast shed light on some lovely Italian shoes from Mar Sulaika's past... that conversation deteriorates along the way so we offer you both a language and content alert!
Finally, Mar Sulaika's mom's facility has been chosen for some serology testing in the near future. That's something new for us, not sure about you, so we'll let you know more as we know more.
We wrap a little early today because we acknowledge we are little less than scintillating... some days conversations are like that!
The music that seems to come and go is Baby Bum... on Netflix... entertaining the little guy! This too will pass.

Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Molly Shannon to COVID/Noro to All That Online "Stuff"
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Agnes opes with a mini-rant on editing - thank you, Molly Shannon!
Advertising - one of our soapboxes... but really? 50 cups of kale on your face?
Real life... Agnes' alarm goes off...
Mar Sulaika talks about art/ movies et al, after the death of Irrfan Khan. Topic seems to go from grrr to waah to blah and back to grrr.
Residential care in the times of Covid (Mar Sulaika's experience) compared to Agnes' experience in the times of Noro - which means we're off to the races over the press, the role of the press, and the quality of the press.
Agnes apologizes for not remembering it was the country of Nigeria who lost their children in April 2014.
Quick turn to getting your "stuff"online - Sulaika asks Agnes, who has all the answers if only because she also writes the show notes... podcast production, blog posts, Hofstader's Law, all the moving parts in getting your stuff online - IT CAN BE DONE!!!
Mar Sulaika's questions are great if you're a newbie because, like many experienced people, Agnes forgets that it's the questions that seem simplest that need the most clarification (post your questions in the comments at the website!)
Finally, speaking of editing, Agnes gets to explain her power as editor and her definition of "flat-lining"!!
Irrfan Khan: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0451234/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
Mar Sulaika's Musings: https://thestorygoddess.ca/musings-from-the-goddess/