2025 is the 6th Season of The Boomer Woman’s Podcast. Each episode is a conversation between me – I’m Agnes Knowles, your host – and a guest who talks to a subject that, someway, somehow, is relatable to Boomer Women. The guests can be any age, any gender, as long as their message is positive, informative, pertinent to our demographic. You, dear listener, might need to be open-minded, curious, tolerant, inclusive… and if you are, you will enjoy these conversations, maybe learn something, and I encourage you to share each and any episode! Click the Follow/Subscribe button to be notified of the next great guest.

Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
TBW Guest: Consultant Louisa Hext on Forgiveness
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Today's guest is a skilled and experienced mediator, coach, speaker, and consultant. She partners with her clients to explore forgiveness, reconciliation, and conflict resolution, and ways she can support her clients to create positive change in their lives. Louisa Hext is the North American coordinator for the traveling photographic exhibition, The F Word: Stories of Forgiveness (a program of The Forgiveness Project a London, UK based non-profit). She serves on The Charter for Compassion’s Global Team and is the lead organizer for the Restorative Justice sector.
In today's episode, Louisa discusses Forgiveness, how complicated a subject it is and its potential in our life. She touches on the subject of self-forgiveness, curiosity and empathy and shares stories of forgiveness that are very powerful.
A powerful episode today that will give you much food for thought as we approach the coming season and prepare for a new year, possibly with new hopes.
Find Louisa at https://www.consultantshext.com/
or connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/louisahext
Learn more about The Forgiveness Project and The F-Word podcast at https://www.theforgivenessproject.com/
Leave your Comments where you listen to podcasts or at https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
TBW Guest: Natural Lifestyle Coach Dr. Leslie Kasanoff
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Today's guest is a great start to December - the month when we often spend indulging our waistline, we socialize instead of exercise, and many of us contemplate what we’d like to change up as a new year presents.
Dr. Leslie Kasanoff spent her life in healthcare, including 25 years as a holistic chiropractor on the Central Coast of California and 10 years before that as a Medical Laboratory Scientist. Recently, she's combined her “science geek” side and her alternative care practitioner side to help women through health coaching and consulting. She works with women who want to lose weight, address hormone issues, and resolve or reverse chronic health issues - not just treat them - using food and lifestyle as medicine.
She's an ‘idealistic skeptic,’ having a science mind but a caring heart and a passion for helping people with simple effective tools.
Today, Leslie discusses the body and its abilities to heal, health and vitality, and hormones. She debunks several myths around diet and lifestyle, with some recommendations for making it through the holiday season.
Editorial comment: Agnes did make the Sweet Potato Tacos with Cabbage Cups for herself, the mentioned vegan friend and his mother and they ALL loved them!
You can find Leslie at https://www.drlesliek.com/
On Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/dr.lesliek
The podcast: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com/
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Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
TBW Monthly Manday Guest: Dr. Joe Casciani
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Joe Casciani had a long professional career as a psychologist with older adults facing decline and loss. He is now putting all that knowledge and insight together to help guide us Boomers into our older years.
Whether you're experiencing stress from the age number, or some noticeable declines, or not sure if you have the energy to get back into the world post-Covid, Joe shares many ideas and insights into what we might consider in order to overcome the dread or the lethargy of living fully.
He also discusses "successful aging" and reminds us what there is to celebrate about getting older.
While not all of us will become centenarians, Joe's Living To 100 Club will help you "turn aging on its head"!
Find out more about Dr. Joe Casciani, the Living To 100 Club, his podcast by the same name and his "Reimagine Your Resilience" program at https://livingto100.club/ - download Nine Tips For Living Longer while you're there.
If you have comments on today's show, leave them where you listen to podcasts or at https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/
Feel free to share this episode and we'd love you to leave stars! Click Subscribe (or Follow) before you go!!

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
TBW Guest: Best You Career Coach Chelle Johnson
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Chelle Johnson climbed high on the rungs of the Fortune 50 corporate ladder during a Talent Acquisition and Human Resources leadership career that spanned 20+ years and three continents. She loved what she did until eventually she didn’t.
Now, she guides other high-achieving but under-fulfilled professionals who are ready to dig deep and do the work, to make their own transformational journey.
In this episode, Chelle explains mental fitness and positive intelligence; how her clients come to her for help with their professional lives and how that overflows into their personal lives. If you're
Working in a toxic environment
In a job that no longer aligns with your personal values
Topped out at your organization
Feeling called to make a bigger impact
Overlooked for the promotions you deserve
Done living in a non-soulful way
then you need this episode.
Chelle references Positive Intelligence: https://www.positiveintelligence.com/
Chelle can found at: https://www.bestyoucareeradvantage.com/
Leave your comments where you listen or at https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
TBW Guest Madonna Hanna on Creating a Culture of Civility and Success
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Growing up in the conservative Boston area, Madonna Hanna was usually only one of a handful of children of colour in her schools. She was bullied and discounted and her experiences both as a child and as an adult gave her both "thick skin" and a lot of resilience.
On numerous occasions, Madonna "took the high road" because to respond or react, would only sink her to the same level as her antagonists. She led by example both in the east coast fashion business and as a teacher on the west coast.
Most people would find that more than enough to define their life's work but Madonna added athlete, widowhood and acting to her repertoire.
Madonna shares all with deep thought combined with great wit and much humour.
Madonna can be found at https://dropkickthedrama.com/
on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/madonnafitfastandfabulous/
If you have comments on todays' show, leave them here or at https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/

Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
TBW Guest: Family Dementia Caregiver Nancy Poland
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
A reality for many Boomer women is the role of care-giver… it could be one or both of your parents… at our age, it could be a spouse or for some, it might be a close friend. If your loved one has dementia, the path ahead of you is a windy one, with its highs and lows, the rewards are both great and sometimes seemingly non-existent.
Nancy Poland walked that path with her father, and is now a volunteer Community Educator for the Alzheimer’s Association.
In this episode, Nancy talks about her dad, the man he was and the person he became because of Lewy-body dementia. Her story will reassure you the trials, the emotions you're experiencing are not unusual.
Nancy wrote a book "Dancing With Lewy" and you might be able to receive a free copy if you email her at author@nancyrpoland.com and, of course, mention this podcast.
You can find Nancy and many resource links at https://nancyrpoland.com/
You can leave comments where you listen to this podcast, or at https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
TBW Monthly Manday Guest Koach David Frost
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
David Frost is definitely one of those people who walks the talk, practices what he preaches... you get the picture.
He calls himself the KaBoomer Koach as he encourages mid-age and older people to be "Well Past Forty". His "physical bank" metaphor will help you understand what you need to do as you age, his "stamininety" will give you natural anti-aging tips.
Dave has strong views about poly-pharmaceuticals and about the value of movement. Great information and actionable advice.
Needless to say, consult a physician before embarking on any new physical fitness routines.
Dave mentions Blue Zones: https://www.bluezones.com/
and Living to 100 life expectancy calendar: https://www.livingto100.com/
Find Dave at https://wellpastforty.com/
on twitter: @defpersonaltrainer
and Instagram: kaboomerkoach
Leave your comments where you listen to podcasts or at https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/

Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
TBW Guest: Life Coach Brenda Florida
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
People Pleasing! How many of us are guilty of that?
Brenda Florida is a reformed People Pleaser who now liberates others to their authentic power and unique self-expression.
Many women (especially us Boomers!) are raised to believe that life is to be lived in service to others, that others' needs will come before our own. Brenda's "sandbox" metaphor really helps understand where personal power does and doesn't lie.
Her "Solve It Method" has helped many people get past issues... whether they are People Pleasers or are trying to regain their power around other issues. Brenda shares it with listeners at:
Brenda, and her podcast "Liberate Your People Pleaser" can be found at
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Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
TBW Guest: Inspiratrix Extraordinaire Gail Hamilton
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
The recording gods were a little uncooperative with Agnes' voice in this episode but Gail's stories make up for everything!
How's this for a CV:
- National Speakers Association certified international motivational virtual and live speaker
- Consultant
- Trainer
- Author
Degree in Voice
Master of Music degree in Vocal Performance
Master of Arts degree in Transpersonal Psychology
Sung the lead role of Mimi in La Boheme
Sung the lead role of Violetta in La Traviata
Taught piano for 40 years
Crowned Ms. Colorado Senior America
4th-runner up in the national Ms. Senior America pageant
Helped build her former Habitat for Humanity home
Climbed the historic 75-story Sydney Harbour bridge
Former President Jimmy Carter has called her story “a force that is an inspiration”
- and, breaking news... insurance advisor too!!
About now you're asking how many women I'm interviewing today! One! Gail Hamilton. and if the CV isn't impressive enough, shall I add that Gail is completely blind?
Listen up for Gail's amazing stories - she does nothing by halves! She left a problematic childhood behind to be amazing, and inspire others to be amazing too.
Gail mentions Travel Eyes, here's the link: https://www.traveleyes-international.com/
Find Gail at: https://soaringintogreatness.com/
Her book: https://soaringintogreatness.com/purchase-book/
Leave your comments wherever you listen to podcasts or at https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/
When you think "blind" you'll never think "disability" again.

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
TBW Guest: Caregiver Coach Wendy Taddeucci
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Many people, especially Boomer women, are faced with a role reversal as their parents age and the need presents for them to take care of affairs for one or both of their parents.
It can be stressful, it can be exhausting, it can be a full-time job. Wendy Taddeucci experienced all of the above when she was just 37. Nine years in she has taken all her experiences and everything she's learned to help other people prepare and shorten their learning curve when it comes time to care-decide for a loved one.
Find Wendy at https://www.coach-wendy.com
Download her 5 Steps document at https://coach-wendy.com/path.html
Getting Back to You: https://coach-wendy.com/backtoyou.html
Leave your Comments wherever you listen to podcasts or at https://twoboomerwomen.com/join-the-conversation/